Saturday, November 5, 2016

Weeks 11-12

We have been discussing the Electoral College in social studies, and I have asked the students to take 5-10 minutes this Tuesday to mark down the election update. I do NOT want students to stress or stay up late; they should just find a time to record the states that have been identified as voting for a candidate. If this time is early in the evening, and there are only 4 or 5 states announced, that is fine. I am providing them with a paper to track the information. We will discuss it in class on Wednesday, so please help ensure that the electoral vote tracker makes its way back!

Other campus info:

OMS Toy Drive-Thank you to all those who donated new toys for our OMS Toy Drive. The toys will go to children at Dell Children's Hospital. We collected 53 toys so far and our goal is 200 toys. Our drive will continue until the end of November.

Food Drive-Our school is also participating in a food drive for the Round Rock Serving Center. Thank you for sending in non-perishable food to help our people in our community.

TAG Parent Information Night-The TAG teachers will host an information night on Tuesday, November 8th, 2016 in the library. The meeting will be held from 6:00 to 6:30 PM and is for parents of students not currently in TAG, who are interested in learning more about the program.

Veterans Day Program

We will be having a tribute to Veterans on the morning of November 11th. Please invite any veterans you know to Forest Creek to have breakfast with the student(s) they know. The cafeteria will serve cinnamon rolls, fruit and milk or juice from 7:15-7:30 a.m. Please help us prepare for breakfast by completing this form to provide an accurate number of those eating. There is no charge for our special guests.

We will be having two patriotic programs to honor our Veterans on November 11th - one at 8:15 a.m. for grades Kinder-2nd and another one at 9:00 a.m. for grades 3-5. You may attend one or both. Thank you for helping us teach our students the meaning of this holiday and why it is so important to honor those who have served our country.

Veteran’s Photo Needed

We look forward to recognizing these special men and women who have contributed so much for our country through a slideshow presentation.Please send a photo of your special Veteran to Please include the Veteran’s name and unit or job title during their service. Veterans do not need to be present for our program to be included in our slideshow.