Tuesday, August 25, 2015

First Day of School

Today was a fantastic day! Our newest students seemed to flow right into our class routines, and all of our returning students seem to remember all of the school-wide expectations.

Homework will be distributed on a weekly basis, but for tonight I sent home just a few pieces of paper and one notebook. The two white sheets are for parent information: one is a general info letter, and the other is info from the nurse about food allergies in our class. The green half sheet is a science safety contract, and needs to be signed and returned to school.

The writers’ notebooks may have made their way home as well. The cover needs to be decorated before next Monday. Students should decorate it in a way that represent their interests, family, or other things that represent themselves. Students can use stickers, clip art, photos, drawings or anything else creative that can be designed.

Thank you for sharing your kids with me…I think it’s going to be a great year!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Supply Drop Off

It was terrific to meet so many students and families this afternoon. I would like to thank all of you for being patient as I talked with everyone. I am excited to see old friends as well as new faces; it looks to be a great year ahead!

Here is some important information for the first week...

Students should arrive between 7:15 and 7:30, and they will line up outside our classroom each morning. They will see me, Mrs. Pinter, and Mrs. Ahn each day. Our classrooms can vary in temperature, so it is a good idea for students to have a sweater or hoodie if they have a tendency to get cold in strong air conditioning. A water bottle and a snack will be a good idea as well. Please ensure that students know how they will be getting home on the first day of school and (if it is different) the remainder of the week.

I expect us to have a busy first couple of weeks. Our class is slated to have PE on the first day of school, so be sure that students either have or bring the appropriate running shoes. Coach Keilers will be in charge of our class, and on Wednesday we will have music with Mrs. McDaniel. Our class will alternate music and PE during the first week, and then art (with Mrs. Arnold) and PE during the second week.

If families haven't already updated the registration information for each child, please go to https://roundrockisd.org/enroll/ and verify the info for the new school year. In addition, funds can be added to lunch accounts at https://www.myschoolbucks.com/ by credit card, or families may send in checks or cash. Back to School night will be Thursday, September 3rd at 6:00. Additional information will be given that evening.

I can be reached via email at meaghan_kirby@roundrockisd.org or by phone at 512-464-5389. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.