Our Schedule

Our homeroom will have the following daily schedule:

7:40-7:50 Morning routines and KIOT news
7:50-9:05 Math with Mrs. Ahn
9:05-10:15 Reading with Mrs. Pinter
10:15-10:35 Recess
10:35-11:15 Coyote Club/RtI
11:15-11:45 Lunch
11:45-12:05 Flex time (agendas, read alouds, class business)
12:05-12:55 Specials (PE on T/Th/half F, art & music alternate M/W/half F)
12:55-1:35 Writing with Mrs. Kirby
1:35-2:45 Science & Social Studies with Mrs. Kirby
2:45-2:50 Dismissal