Saturday, October 1, 2016

Weeks 4-6

We are more than halfway through our first grading period, and we are still rolling along! In science for the past three weeks, we have examined the physical properties of matter, including changing state, and we have compared mixtures and solutions. We explored the following essential questions:
  • What are the physical properties of matter and how can they be measured?
  • How can we compare and contrast matter?
  • What are the similarities and differences among mixtures and how can they be separated?
  • What is the effect on water when heat is added or removed?
  • What changes occur to the outside of a glass when ice water is placed in it?
In social studies, we finished our exploration of the physical regions of Texas, and practiced map skills with latitude and longitude. Some essential questions were:
  • Why did geographic factors influence settlement patterns?
  • Why is geography important in understanding the history of a place?
We will be covering the native tribes in Texas in the coming weeks, as well as concepts of weather and the water cycle.