Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Weeks 1 & 2

We had a great start to this year! Thank you to all of the parents who were able to make it to Back to School night. We will be posting the PowerPoint presentation if you couldn't make it or would like to review it.

In the first couple of weeks of school, we have spent time getting to know each other, and we met our first grade "buddies" from Mrs. Heinzen's class. We (re)visited classroom and school-wide expectations and the students are adjusting to the greater responsibilities of a fourth grader. Now that our agendas are finally here, hopefully that will become a little easier.

In writing, we have discussed and used our writer's notebooks. The class wrote a couple entries about everyday life and being a mentor to a first grader. They also wrote their opinions on whether or not kids should go to P.E. everyday, and if they should have assigned seats (and if so, where they "should" sit).

For social studies, we have discussed an overview of what they might expect this year, and we reviewed map skills. They really seemed to enjoy looking at the "old-fashioned" folded paper street and road maps. Back in my day, there was no GPS! We didn't have cell phones! And we had to walk to school in the snow, uphill both ways!

During science lessons, we reviewed safety expectations and covered a big vocabulary list of tools. Only a few were new, and they had fun playing with exploring the use of triple-beam balances. As soon as I know everyone's FERPA permissions, I will post some photos.

Have a great three-day weekend!