Saturday, April 11, 2015

Weeks 28 & 29

Hopefully all of our fourth graders have recovered from the two days of testing. It's hard to be still and quiet and focused for four hours, but our kiddos survived it. There will be one final round of testing on April 21 & 22, and then students will be finished with testing for this year.

We have had some stop-and-go in science lessons due to the testing, but we should finish the lessons on Life Cycles this upcoming week. On the days of STAAR week that I will see all of my students, we will review the concepts. Students should expect the unit quiz on Monday or Tuesday the 27th or 28th.

Our class has earned a reward day with all of the "HOWLers" they have earned. Students voted on a Movie Day, and with Science Day this Friday the 17th, and then the STAAR math and reading tests, we will probably have it on Friday, April 24. Look for an email with more details soon.